The School District of Newberry County is considering a transition from a hybrid schedule to a 4-day in-person instructional schedule. The transition will occur in multiple phases, beginning with students in elementary grades and students with special learning needs.
Please click the link below to respond to the Phased in Return Survey –
This survey will close on October 16, 2020. Please complete one survey per student.

If your student is attending Newberry One virtual school and would like to sign up for the Dental Access dental van please click the link below.
https://www.dentalaccesscarolina.com/enroll/ to enroll

Toolkit Tip:
Self screen your children before coming to school. If they have been a close contact of a positive case within 14 days or showing COVID-19 symptoms, please do not send them to school and contact your school nurse.

Parents of students in the School District of Newberry County are asked to complete one questionnaire per child to determine how they would like their child to return to school for the 2020-2021 school year. Option 1 allows parents the choice of sending their child to school on a Hybrid schedule – meeting in person 2 days per week and eLearning 3 days per week. Option 2 is for parents who wish to have their child participate in the Newberry ONE Institute for eLearning, a completely online option for a semester at a time.
The questionnaire can be found at https://bit.ly/SDNCLearningPref and must be submitted prior to midnight on July 28, 2020.

2020-2021 Registration for Returning Students

July Free Meal Service

Remote Learning Packets

Nuestro distrito continúa monitoreando el emergente brote de coronavirus. Trabajaremos en estrecha colaboración con nuestros contactos en el Departamento de Salud y Control Ambiental de Carolina del Sur (SC DHEC) para mantenernos informados de cualquier evolución de los casos confirmados en los Estados Unidos e implementar cualquier recomendación o de guía estrategias del CDC oSC DHEC según se determinen.
Si bien este virus no ha afectado a nuestra área en la actualidad, DHEC y CDC tienen grandes recursos disponibles para que los padres y miembros de la comunidad aprendan sobre el virus, los síntomas, las medidas preventivas y los casos confirmados actuales.
Como siempre, animamos a todos a practicar el lavado adecuado de manos, cubrir la boca y la nariz al toser o estornudar y quedarse en casa si está enfermo. Todos trabajamos juntos y ayudaremos a disminuir la propagación de gérmenes.
Para estar al día sobre esta situación siempre cambiante, vaya a: https://scdhec.gov/COVID19

Our district continues to monitor the emerging novel coronavirus outbreak. We will work closely with our contacts at the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SC DHEC) to stay informed of any developments of confirmed cases in the US and implement any recommendations or guidelines from the CDC or SC DHEC as they are determined.
While this virus has not affected our area at present, DHEC and CDC have great resources available for parents and community members to learn about the virus, symptoms, preventative measures and current confirmed cases.
As always, we encourage everyone to practice proper handwashing, cover mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing and stay home if ill. It is all of us working together that will help decrease the spread of germs.
To stay up to date on this ever-changing situation, go to:https://scdhec.gov/COVID19

We are looking forward to our Black History Month Assembly on Friday, February 21st at 1:00. We hope to see you there!

Monthly News Letter

January Dates to Remember

Dates to Remember

You Are Invited! Please join us for our Harvest Lunch on November 21st. The cost will be $4.00 per meal. Please feel free to contact the front office with any questions.

November Newsletter:

Red Ribbon Week starts October 28th!
"Say 'BOO' to Drugs and Bullying!"

Hispanic Heritage Month is in full swing at Boundary Street Elementary!

Fundraiser orders are due on October 1st! Thank you all so much for your support.

Early Release September 18. Please check with your school for dismissal times.

Parents of Returning Students, when completing online registration you will need your child's snap code. Please check your email or feel free to call the school to get this information. Completing this prior to registration days will make your process much faster.